Рабочий лист «Стихийные бедствия» для 8 класса (парная работа) (Worksheet «Natural Disasters» For The 8th Form (Work In Pairs)) разработан для повторения и активизации лексического материала и по предложенной теме. Он посвящен обобщающему повторению, органично соединенному с диагностикой, проверкой и оценкой знаний учащихся, и включен в систему уроков по теме «Стихийные бедствия» («Natural Disasters») как завершающий данную тему с учетом программных требований по развитию лексических навыков. Вид работы: парный.
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Natural Disasters Worksheet
- Match
- Reorder the letters to find these natural disasters.
- dolof
- chirunare
- grouthd
- quatehaker
- unmiats
- puter
- Fill in the table according to the texts.
Student A - Hurricanes |
Student B – Floods |
What are they?
Why do they happen?
Where do they happen?
How do they affect people?
Tropical storms with strong winds. They start at sea, and can travel a long distance. They have different names in different places: ‘hurricanes’ in the Atlantic Ocean, ‘typhoons’ in the Pacific Ocean, ‘tropical cyclones’ in the Indian Ocean and around Australia.
Tornadoes, or whirlwinds, are similar, but begin over land.
The water evaporates from the warm sea. This condenses in the atmosphere. More and more hot, wet air rises up. It becomes a strong wind.
Over the warm parts of oceans. Tornadoes are common in parts of the U.S.A, Australia, and Japan.
They can affect ships, blow down houses, cause floods and disrupt traffic.
Scientists can usually track hurricanes, but they cannot stop them.
The water in rivers, lakes or the ocean rises above its normal level and goes onto the land.
If there is a lot of rain, or very strong winds, floods can happen.
Some rivers in Bangladesh and India flood every year. People expect it, so there is no panic. When the floods go down, there are lots of minerals in the soil. They can grow good plants.
When the floods are a surprise, many people can drown. Every year, people lose their houses and their furniture. When floods happen every year, some people are ready for them. But many people (and governments) do not prepare properly.
Dams can reduce floods - but some dams can cause them! There are often ‘flood warnings’ on the radio.
- Solve the crossword
1. a very strong wind in west Atlantic 3. tidal wave 4. a large amount of water spread from a river, sea etc. that covers an area that is normally dry 6. a very bad event, causing harm or death 8. move somebody from a dangerous place 9. a long period without rain Down 2. a sudden violent movement of the ground 3. a strong wind that blows in a circle 5. hot liquid rock 7. (of a volcano) to explode and throw out fire, lava, smoke etc.