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English For You

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Эссе "Английский язык в моей жизни"

Конкурсная работа (Эссе)


My name is Olga. It means “clever” translated from Old Russian. I believe I should be clever and wise. Being this way is my aim. My parents and surrounding people help me develop these fine qualities.

My mum says I should study foreign languages to be a clever person. I like English. I have been studying it for 4 years and I think I am a success.

I always ask my teacher to tell me some interesting phrases or words in English. I want to make my speech not just like a clever person but also powerful. For example, I love the phrase “golden smile” because while I think about it I imagine the chocolate “Alpen Gold” with plums and peanuts and I start smiling. I like chocolate very much. I also like my teacher telling me “Brilliant!” when I do the best during my English classes. This word is so fine I think! I try to use those phrases I learn and it is perfect when I am very good at it.

I have not much free time but if I have, I try to learn English. I think it is one of the most important things in my life. I want to be a clever girl by the name of Olga.

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